Enerjisa Üretim’s BilBot Quickly Finds Answers to Work-Related Questions (2022 Case Study)
Enerjisa Üretim Santralleri A.Ş. (“Enerjisa Üretim”) was honored with a Silver Award for Best Approach to HCM Innovation in the 2022 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
- Brandon Hall Group
- Learning and Development, Human Resources
Enerjisa Üretim’s BilBot Quickly Finds Answers to Work-Related Questions (2022 Case Study)
Bilbot is a software developed in-house aiming to find answers to work-related questions in a quick and easy way, while also being able to connect with the subject matter expert for additional information if necessary. This tool reduces operational labor while increasing the satisfaction of internal customers in an innovative way. Enerjisa Üretim Santralleri A.Ş. (“Enerjisa Üretim”) was honored with a Silver Award for Best Approach to HCM Innovation in the 2022 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
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