Genpact’s Aparajita (Invincible Woman) Program Puts More Females Into Leadership Roles (2019 Case Study)
- Claude Werder
- Learning and Development, Human Resources
Genpact’s Aparajita (Invincible Woman) Program Puts More Females Into Leadership Roles (2019 Case Study)
With the objective of improving the diversity ratio at senior leadership levels, the Banking and Capital Markets (BCM) business at Genpact introduced its flagship diversity Women Leadership program, Aparajita (the Invincible Woman). This program was instrumental in helping the BCM business achieve its objective of growing more women leaders into larger roles. At BCM level, only 15% of the leadership team of the Vertical (Assistant Vice President and above) were women in the first year of the program (2014); it was 23% strong by the end of 2018. Genpact was honored with a Gold Award for Best Advance in Women Leadership in the 2019 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
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