H-E-B Digital Health Coach Offers Education, Resources to Improve Well-Being (2019 Case Study)

H-E-B and Digital Wake win Silver for Best Benefits, Wellness and Well-Being Program in 2019 Brandon Hall Group Awards



H-E-B Digital Health Coach Offers Education, Resources to Improve Well-Being (2019 Case Study)

H-E-B Grocery Company, LP and Digital Wake, LLC’s H-E-B Digital Health Coach is a modular, video- and game-based eLearning program, supported by print materials and mobile push notifications, that educates employees on their health status and provides resources to improve their health. The objective was to educate employees about cholesterol, body mass index, blood glucose and blood pressure and how these biometrics impact their overall health. The application is designed to provide individual results of the health screening and guidance to programs and services that are appropriate for the employee based on their results. For the Digital Health Coach, H-E-B Grocery Company, LP and Digital Wake, LLC were honored with a Silver Award for Best Benefits, Wellness and Well-Being Program in the 2019 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.

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