SAP’s Multifaceted Curriculum Tackles Sales and Leadership Gaps in the Digital Age (2020 Case Study)
- Claude Werder
- Learning and Development, Human Resources, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
SAP’s Multifaceted Curriculum Tackles Sales and Leadership Gaps in the Digital Age (2020 Case Study)
To ensure AEs were equipped for success in the Digital Age, SAP’s Business Operations and Sales Learning Team set out to improve upon an already robust sales learning curriculum, which includes everything from formal, in-person workshops to MOOCs, experiential learning, simulations and virtual live classes. 2019 CRM Pipeline Data Analysis results taken from Skill Assessment and Personalized Learning Programs reveal the programs’ significant impact on both AE and FLSM performance as well as SAP’s bottom line. SAP was honored with a Gold Award for Best Use of Learning and or Talent Technologies in the 2020 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
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