The Coca-Cola Company’s Multicultural EDGE Program Changes the Meaning of Leadership (2019 Case Study)
- Claude Werder
- Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Human Resources
The Coca-Cola Company’s Multicultural EDGE Program Changes the Meaning of Leadership (2019 Case Study)
The Coca-Cola Company, with the help of Abilitie, built its Multicultural EDGE Leadership Program to address the growing diversity and multicultural population of employees at the company. In addition, Learning & Development leaders at the organization wanted to shift the competencies around internal leadership to competencies that cultivated a growth mindset in all contributors at the organization and create a cohesive understanding of what inclusive leadership meant. The Coca-Cola Company and Abilitie won a Bronze Award for Best Inclusion and Diversity Strategy in the 2019 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
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