With No Budget, Kellogg Develops Successful Virtual Global Learning Solution for New Managers (2019 Case Study)
- Claude Werder
- Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Human Resources
With No Budget, Kellogg Develops Successful Virtual Global Learning Solution for New Managers (2019 Case Study)
Meeting an urgent need to provide a globally applicable learning solution to new people managers linked to Kellogg’s new leadership competencies, a cross-regional team designed, developed and launched a fully virtual learning experience in a matter of few months with no budget. The flipped-classroom learning experience, Step Up, gained immediate traction and has helped Kellogg to transition from a traditional, resource-heavy learning approach to an agile learning experience that is tailored to the needs of a global workforce that can engage in the program when and when it suits. For Step Up, Kellogg Company earned a Bronze Award in the 2019 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
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