Inland Revenue NZ Transforms Business by ‘Growing Great Leaders’ (2018 Case Study)

Inland Revenue NZ received a Gold Award for Best Advance in Leadership Development in the 2018 Brandon Hall Group HCM Ex



Inland Revenue NZ Transforms Business by ‘Growing Great Leaders’ (2018 Case Study)

Inland Revenue NZ developed the “Te Kohure — Growing Great Leaders” leadership development program after a transformation to improve the tax system and to make it easier for New Zealanders to pay their taxes and receive their entitlements. Increasing leadership capability was a critical component of Inland Revenue’s business transformation program, the largest transformation program in the New Zealand public sector. This program needed to address several business conditions and needed to reach 850 leaders geographically spread across New Zealand. The Te Kōhure program has been a great success and touted as “the best end-to-end leadership program in the public sector.” For this innovation, Inland Revenue NZ received a Gold Award for Best Advance in Leadership Development in the 2018 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.


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