Personalizing Learning for Child Advocates Using Next-Gen Platform (2016 Case Study)
- Claude Werder
- Learning and Development, Human Resources, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Personalizing Learning for Child Advocates Using Next-Gen Platform (2016 Case Study)
Quality Assist Inc., a long-time provider of professional development for child care and Head Start programs, introduced online learning through its Quorum platform in 2013. In 2015, ever-changing market trends and technical requirements encouraged the Quality Assist team to evaluate online learning platforms that could deliver a more engaging, flexible and innovative approach to the increasingly younger, more social and mobile Quorum audience. Quality Assist engaged OnPoint Digital to implement the new online learning platform with integrated ecommerce capabilities, a fully customized, responsive user interface/experience, integrated xAPI capabilities, a Learning Record Store, and the ability to migrate course modules and historical training records of participants. The initiative earned a Silver Award for Best Advance in Learning Technology Implementation in the 2016 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
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