Upcoming Webinar – Five Strategies that Enable HR to Drive Business Growth with Claude Werder of the Brandon Hall Group

Steven Forth, Co-founder of TeamFit, writes about this upcoming webinar, "Five Strategies that Enable HR to Drive Business Growth", with Claude Werder and himself.



Upcoming Webinar – Five Strategies that Enable HR to Drive Business Growth with Claude Werder of the Brandon Hall Group

Written by Steven Forth, who is a Co-Founder of TeamFit.

In this webinar, Claude and I will be discussing the emerging role of HR in driving sustainable growth. Claude has identified five key themes from his research and conversations with CHROs around the world.

  • Understand the capabilities your company needs to meet customer needs, today and in the future
  • Cultivate a team mind set and build teams that cross organization silos
  • Develop a growth mindset
  • Build agility
  • Leverage technology and analytics to achieve these four imperatives

The first of these themes is close to my own interests. Building an understanding of the current capabilities of an organization is not easy. It is not even easy for an individual. Every so often I get an e-mail from a person I have worked with or a close collaborator asking me what their key skills are. It is interesting to be asked this and it has several implications.

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