GrowthPlay Chally’s Predictive Sales Talent Assessment Produces Multi-Use Insights (2020 Tech Review)
GrowthPlay Chally wins Bronze for Best Advance in Candidate Assessments Tech in the 2020 Excellence In Technology Awards
- Brandon Hall Group
- Learning and Development, Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, Leadership Development, Human Resources
GrowthPlay Chally’s Predictive Sales Talent Assessment Produces Multi-Use Insights (2020 Tech Review)
GrowthPlay’s Chally Assessment takes the guesswork out of sales talent management by predicting potential for success in specific sales roles. Access to in-depth reporting for selection and development provides insights for quick decision-making. GrowthPlay Chally earned a Bronze Award for Best Advance in Candidate Assessments Technology in the 2020 Brandon Hall Group Excellence In Technology Awards.
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