Scotiabank’s iLEAD Leading the Enterprise Strengthens Capabilities, Builds Networks (2022 Case Study)
- Brandon Hall Group
- Learning and Development, Talent Management, Human Resources
Scotiabank’s iLEAD Leading the Enterprise Strengthens Capabilities, Builds Networks (2022 Case Study)
Scotiabank’s iLEAD Leading the Enterprise program strengthens leadership capabilities and enables executives to build their network so they gain a clearer understanding of the impact their decisions have on Scotiabank customers, employees and shareholders. Based on analysis of current and future needs of Scotiabank, the program provides senior executives with an innovative and experiential talent program that builds leadership capabilities across the enterprise. Scotiabank and BTS were honored with a Gold Award for Best Unique or Innovative Talent Management Program in the 2022 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
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